Over the years many new forms of communication have emerged. Despite this emergence, email marketing has remained strong and is continuing to grow. With this email marketing stat in mind, it’s hard to ignore the potential of a great email marketing campaign.

Nowadays, email marketing is a popular traffic source for a website. Most of the website owners and bloggers send new offers or blog posts to their subscribers by email. In this way, a lot of traffic drive to a website. So, generate website traffic is a great benefit of email marketing.7.

Tracking data, and all sorts of metrics are a snap with email marketing. You can see who clicked, forwarded and shared your email instantly.

To make email marketing work, you first need to grow your email list by attracting subscribers with a lead magnet. Then you need to send them regular emails with highly useful and actionable information to keep them engaged and build a trust-based relationship with them. After that you can send emails with your product offers to drive sales. This whole process can be automated as well.

Email marketing puts you in control of who sees your message. Email leads will never be stagnant. Digital contact information is ever changing & constantly updated. DatabaseUSA.com(R) harnesses this asset to digital data using analytics & modeling to determine the most up-to-date status of your leads. Improve your ROI by marketing to an audience specific list, because finding the right prospects is the most effective way to make a return on your marketing investment.

Email marketing allows you the opportunity to see the effectiveness of your campaign easily. An important metric to track is your open rate. Be sure you’re using compelling subject lines to entice people to open an email. Click-through rate tells you the number of people who click on the links in your messages. Clicks per link offer you further insight into the type of content your audience prefers.

When reviewing an email campaign, it is easy to get disappointed by a low success ratio, either in the conversion rates or even in the open rates. Email marketing has a very low average conversion ratio as a general rule and seeing these low numbers can leave people disenfranchised with the practice. It is important to remember that the primary goal of email marketing should usually be to raise awareness, and conversions should be viewed as a cherry on the sundae. While there are exceptions to this rule, it is important to not give up due to what could be perceived as poor statistics on your email campaign reports.

To make email marketing work, you first need to grow your email list by attracting subscribers with a lead magnet. Then you need to send them regular emails with highly useful and actionable information to keep them engaged and build a trust-based relationship with them. After that you can send emails with your product offers to drive sales. This whole process can be automated as well.

So, it should be very evident that YES by all means use email as a marketing tool!

In the weeks ahead we will get into specific aspects of marketing with email such as, lists, campaigns, providers, tools and much more.

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